Director’s Corner: HERFF III funds and more!

I hope our scholars are progressing through all of the personal and academic challenges that MU has to offer, with grace.  As we approach Spring Break, this point has been described as the “dog days”of a semester because they are the most challenging and the longest time in the semester without a break. Therefore, I wanted to offer the following tips and resources to you as we all power through to reach Spring Break.

  • Press on! Now is the time for you to make real progress in courses and many other activities you may be engaged in, including student organizations, leadership positions, or completing those job, scholarship and internship applications.   If you can get ahead on reading and preparation for your second round of midterms/papers or projects, don’t put it off.  Get ahead so you can relax during the break without feeling guilty.
  • Tap in! There are many academic resources for you to take advantage of for support, including writing assistance through the writing center and through the learning center!
  • Assess your current progress! Remember, the mid-semester progress forms are out and scholars are asked to complete them and submit back to our office by Friday, March 18th. Take a look at your MU email for additional details.
  • HERFF III Funds are available. It has been brought to our attention by the MU Financial Aid office that HEERF III funds have been distributed to students based on need, and there are some uncommitted funds still available for students who did not receive them on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please see the information listed below and let our CASE staff know if you are in need and we’ll walk you through the process.
    • Eligibility to Apply for HEERF III Emergency Grants:
      • Be a degree-seeking student at Mizzou
      • Have been enrolled in the fall 2021 term;Any enrollment level may apply (i.e., Undergraduate, Graduate, Professional, Medical, Vet Med, Doctoral, Law, Post-Comp)
      • Domestic students must have a completed 2021-22 FAFSA on file with Mizzou
      • International students that are not eligible to complete the FAFSA may complete the application.
  • Mental Health resources are available for students of color through the Wellness Resource Center, including a “Nurturing Minority Wellness” event on Monday, March 21st at 1:00 p.m. and a “Survivors of Color” discussion about mental health and wellness among survivors of color on March 17th 5- 6p.m. in the Wellness Resource Center.

As always, the team in CASE stands ready to assist in any way we can.

Fight Tiger!


E. Andre Thorn, Ph.D
Director, Center for Academic Success & Excellence (CASE)
“Serving Students Since 1995”
110 Student Success Center, 909 Lowry Mall
Columbia, MO  65211
P: 573-882-9208
F: 573-884-4353

Indigenous Peoples and Lands Acknowledgement:
I would like to acknowledge that I work in what is colonially known as “Missouri,” and that these were the homelands of the tribal nations of the Nutachi (Missouria), Jiwere (Otoe), Wahzhazhe (Osage), Ogáxpa (Quapaw), Chikasha (Chickasaw), Illini, and Báxoǰe (Ioway), among others.