Published on May 11, 2022

CASE Scholars and supporters,
We have arrived at the end of the 2021-2022 academic year. This year will undoubtedly be remembered for some pretty significant reasons. Most notable, it was another year of a global pandemic. However, I wanted to inform you of a sample of the great accomplishments/achievements for us in the Center for Academic Success & Excellence during this academic year.
- In Fall 2021, we were notified that we received approximately $100,000 to create a production studio and multi-media room within the CASE office. This will provide our department with state of the art equipment and space for our marketing interns and other campus stakeholders to produce quality online content, podcasts, and videos.
- As you may be aware, CASE will not be conducting a Summer Bridge Program this summer. What we will be doing is embarking upon a 6-month training opportunity with 5 other universities within the state of Missouri to scale up our capacity for Summer Bridging experiences on our campus. This initiative is through the sponsorship of the Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development.
- I wanted to highlight some of the accomplishments of CASE staff member Mrs. Ana Maria Fernandez, who was recently “tapped” into the Mystical 7 secret society on campus. Additionally, Mrs. Fernandez will be participating in the Global Advisors Immersion program in Dublin and Galway, Ireland. She will be travelling to Ireland this summer to gain a first-hand perspective of Ireland academic and co-curricular opportunities as a study abroad destination for MU students.
- We recently completed the CASE Salute to Excellence program. As we all attend the virtual, drive-by and in-person graduation celebrations (as well as our CASE Salute to Excellence), we are reminded about why the work that we do in CASE is so important for your individual and collective success! We are always touched by the compelling stories we hear from you during this time of the year.
For those scholars who are returning, remember to focus your energies and mind toward the work that has to be completed and surround yourself with positivity during finals week. As you study, also get your rest, eat well, mediate, pray, and reflect. Remember the CASE Staff is always here if you need us (even throughout the summer)! We look forward to your return and we will be highlighting some exciting new resources for career development when you return in the Fall!
For those scholars who are graduating in this weekend, we want to say CONGRATULATIONS to you and your families! We thank you for entrusting us during this educational process. We are extremely proud of you and your accomplishments and hope that you will keep in touch with us!
Go Tigers!
E. Andre Thorn, Ph.D
Director, Center for Academic Success & Excellence (CASE)
“Serving Students Since 1995”
110 Student Success Center, 909 Lowry Mall
Columbia, MO 65211
P: 573-882-9208
F: 573-884-4353
Indigenous Peoples and Lands Acknowledgement:
I would like to acknowledge that I work in what is colonially known as “Missouri,” and that these were the homelands of the tribal nations of the Nutachi (Missouria), Jiwere (Otoe), Wahzhazhe (Osage), Ogáxpa (Quapaw), Chikasha (Chickasaw), Illini, and Báxoǰe (Ioway), among others.