Director’s Corner: Welcome back scholars – tips to finish strong!

Hello Mizzou Tigers, families and supporters!  

I trust that you had a great spring break that allowed you to refresh your minds, replenish your spirits and reflect on your successes at this point in the semester. I wanted to inform you that there are EXACTLY FIVE WEEKS remaining in the semester before Finals! With this in mind, I wanted to post some tips and strategies that are borrowed from Duquesne University Center for Teaching Excellence that is designed for maintaining your motivation after spring break and into final exams.

  • Assess your learning to this point in the semester:
    • Taking time to examine your performance on finished tests, quizzes, papers, and projects can help you understand how to adjust your study for better performance. The blog post, Helping Students Reflect on Study Habits, offers a post-test survey that can help students analyze their performance and determine how to adjust their studying.
  • Practice weekly calendar reviews and updates:
    • On Sunday night review your syllabi and calendar to be mindful of deadlines and approaching exams or papers.
  • Prioritize assignments:
    • If you know that a major project is due soon, plan your time effectively. Divide large assignments into manageable parts and hold yourself to accomplishing each part in a timely way. Accomplishing manageable goals increases your self-confidence.
  • Develop alternative study places:
    • As the weather warms, try to find a spot outdoors where you enjoy working that is free from distractions where you can study. Diffuse sunlight by a window can increase your energy (this is important after the winter we have had in Mid-Missouri).
  • Meet up with fellow students to study:
    • Working with your classmates can get you back on track to refocus on what is important and to hold you accountable in the last part of the semester.

And, of course, please let us know how we may be of assistance to you in the Center for Academic Success & Excellence!

Go Tigers!


E. Andre Thorn, Ph.D
Director, Center for Academic Success & Excellence (CASE)
“Serving Students Since 1995”
110 Student Success Center, 909 Lowry Mall
Columbia, MO  65211
P: 573-882-9208
F: 573-884-4353

Indigenous Peoples and Lands Acknowledgement:
I would like to acknowledge that I work in what is colonially known as “Missouri,” and that these were the homelands of the tribal nations of the Nutachi (Missouria), Jiwere (Otoe), Wahzhazhe (Osage), Ogáxpa (Quapaw), Chikasha (Chickasaw), Illini, and Báxoǰe (Ioway), among others.