Producing from the nation’s capital: CASE marketing intern Keara Shannon earns scholarship and internship at major network
From Columbia, Mo. to Washington D.C., one of the Center for Academic Success & Excellence’s (CASE) marketing interns Keara Shannon is spending her spring semester working for ABC News. As the first…

Not another statistic: CASE, McNair scholar Kismet Okyere finds calling in circumstance
When you think of a typical family, what image comes to mind? Is it the traditional “nuclear family” which is a mother, a father and their one or more children? It’s been ingrained into society that this is what the perfect family looks like. Yet, this family structure does not apply to everyone. In fact,…

Director’s Corner: Welcome Back Scholars, Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, CASE Scholars and Families! 2022 promises to bring a renewed spirit of hope, peace and blessings. I am also reminded of the “road yet to travel” when I recall the events of the past 12 months. As we begin a new year and new academic semester, I want to focus this semester…

Director’s Corner: You made it, enjoy winter break!
Congratulations to all of our Tigers on a successful semester! As many of you have already completed finals/projects, I wanted to provide you with some strategies to keep you focused during winter break. Five tips for staying focused over the semester break: Utilize the “down time” between semesters to reflect, reset and rebound. Reflect on past…

Mizzou is in her blood: CASE and McNair scholar Aminah Bradley-Pikes
MU Senior Aminah Bradley-Pikes' college journey began at the University of Missouri in the Fall of 1999. Yes, you read that right, 1999. Aminah was already taking laps around the storied columns and hanging out in the student center, all before ever taking a breath in this world. This is because she was inside her…

Director’s Corner: Welcome back scholars, let’s finish the semester strong!
Hello CASE Scholars, families and supporters: We hope you had a safe, rejuvenating and exciting Thanksgiving break with time for reflection, family, friends and food! As we continue into the conclusion of 2021 and the Fall 2021 semester, I wanted to inquire about the act of reflection. Having “down time” to reflect on one’s life…

CASE celebrates graduating scholars in intimate Fall 2021 Salute to Excellence
The Fall 2021 Salute to Excellence offered students and staff from the Center for Academic Success & Excellence (CASE) a chance to see familiar…

Financial Literacy Friday: How to decide between on-campus vs off-campus living
Mizzou's Center for Academic Success & Excellence (CASE) has collaborated with The Office for Financial Success (OFS) to provide finance tips to college students. This is part 5 of our Financial Literacy Friday campaign series: How to Decide Between On Campus vs Off Campus Living. https://youtu.be/JLSoTbDrRf4

Director’s Corner: Taking advantage of Thanksgiving break
Hello CASE Scholars, families and supporters: We are almost at the end of the Fall 2021 semester and what a semester it has been! As we prepare for the Thanksgiving Break, I wanted to provide a few tips, whether you are staying in town or going to visit family and friends, to assist you in…

An artist in many forms: Brooks Scholar Danielle Hardy
Creativity runs through the Hardy family, and MU Junior Danielle Hardy is no exception. From an early age she danced in front of crowds of hundreds. As she grew up, Hardy discovered her latest passion: photography. Brooks Scholar Danielle Hardy poses for a photo as she holds her camera outside of…